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भाषा, साहित्य और कला संकाय

Naveen Kumar Mehta Dr. Naveen Kumar Mehta

 Associate Professor – English (School of Language, Literature & Arts)


Dr. Naveen K Mehta is triple Post Graduate in English Literature, Education & Management-Commerce and awarded Ph.Ds in the area of Spirituality. He is UGC- NET & SLET qualified. He also holds Certificate in Teaching English from CIEFL, Hyderabad. He has been honoured by the Prime Minister of India and Ministry of Human Resource Development in 2000. He has more than ten years of research, academic and teaching experience. His more than hundred research papers/articles have been published in the International-National Journals. Some prominent journals are Kipling Journal, Translation Journal, USA, Houston Literary Review, Texas, US, Rhesis: International journal of linguistics, Philology and literature, Poland, ASEBL Journal, USA, Philologia, Romania etc. He also authored four books. Dr Mehta is in the Editorial/Advisory Board of more than ten national/International journals and adjudged best paper presenter in more than five National/International conferences. He participated/presented more than hundred research papers in the National/International Conferences/ Seminars/Workshops/Symposiums. His area of research includes Indian Writing in English Literature, English Language, Spirituality and Communication. Presently, he is pursuing his research studies in delineation of Spirituality in Indian Writing in English, Communication in Vedic Literature, and Philosophical thoughts in Bharathari and Francis Bacon.

Prachi Aggarwal Prachi Aggarwal

 Assistant Professor - Chinese language (School of Language, Literature & Arts)


Prachi Aggarwal is an Assistant Professor of Chinese language at Sanchi University of Buddhist Indic Studies. She had been awarded an HRD scholarship for advanced training in Chinese language in Beijing, China for the year 2010-2011. Ms. Aggarwal has formerly been associated with New Delhi based think tank Centre for China Analysis and Strategy as a Research Associate and Doon University, Dehradun India as a faculty of Chinese language. She has keen interest in projects related to Sustainable Development and its linkages to both Indian and Chinese culture and philosophy.

PUBLICATIONS : The Middle Class of China: Structure and Dynamism in Inside China New Leadership, Social Changes and Economic Challenges September 2013


• Political Protests in China – World Focus September 2011
• China’s International Energy Concerns: The Need for The Greed - World Focus September 2012
• The Nepal Factor in Sino-Indian Relations- World Focus June 2015

Rahul Siddharth डॉ. राहुल सिद्धार्थ

 सहायक प्राध्यापक (हिन्दी) भाषा, साहित्य और कला केंद


डॉ.राहुल सिद्धार्थ ने पी-एच.डी. की उपाधि चौधरी चरण सिंह विश्वविद्यालय, मेरठ, उत्तरप्रदेश से प्राप्त की तथा स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर (हिन्दी) का अध्ययन दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से किया है | इन्होंने जनसंचार एवं पत्रकारिता तथा अनुवाद में डिप्लोमा पाठयक्रम भी किया है | डॉ. सिद्धार्थ ने लगभग ५ वर्षों तक दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में अध्यापन कार्य (तदर्थ प्रवक्ता) किया है | विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग के वृहद् शोध परियोजना पर प्रोजेक्ट फेलो के रूप में इनका अनुभव २ वर्ष ५ महीने का है | इनकी २ पुस्तकें प्रकाशित हैं | इन्होंने RIVER VALLEY TO SILICON VALLEY (AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY) का हिन्दी अनुवाद “भारत से इण्डिया तक” के नाम से किया है । इनके विभिन्न शोध-पत्र तथा पुस्तकों एवं विविध पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में लेख प्रकाशित हैं | इसके अतिरिक्त इन्होंने राष्ट्र्रीय संगोष्ठियों/कार्यशालाओं में भागीदारी तथा आयोजन का कार्य भी किया है | इन्होंने दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के जीवन पर्यंत शिक्षण संस्थान हेतु ‘विद्यापति’ ‘अमीर खुसरो’ तथा ‘रासो साहित्य’ पर पाठयक्रम लेखन का कार्य किया है|

Vishv Bandhu डॉ. विश्व बन्धुः

 सहायक प्राध्यापकः (संस्कृतम्) भाषा, साहित्य और कला केंद्र


’विश्व बन्धु’ना समलङ्कृतः “पी.एच.डी.” उपाधिः “शुक्लयजुर्वेदीय-माध्यन्दिन-संहिताया भाषिकमध्ययनम्” शीर्षकमधिकृत्य तथा च “एम.फिल.” उपाधिः “निघण्टु-परिगणित पृथिवीवाचक नामपद : एक परिशीलन” शीर्षकमधिकृत्य “विशिष्ट-संस्कृत-अध्ययन-केन्द्र, जवाहर लाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय, नव देहली”तः । स्नातकीयपरीक्षायां विश्वविद्यालयस्तरे प्रथमस्थानभाजः “S J Jindal Trust Gold Medal”इति प्राप्नुवम् तथा स्नातकोत्तरे शैक्षणिक-उत्कर्ष-निमित्तां “D S Gardi Sanskrit Scholarship ” वृत्तिञ्च । द्वे पुस्तके अनेन लेखकत्वेन प्रणीत एकस्य च सम्पादनं अक्रियत । अभिजनभूयिष्ठासु विंशतौ शोधसभासु शोधपत्राण्यनेन प्रास्तूयन्त। प्रतिष्ठितासु शोधपत्रिकासु नव शोधपत्राणि प्रकाशितानि सन्ति । आसन्न-प्रकाशित-कार्ये स्तः - स्वामिनो विवेकानन्दस्य शिकागोवक्तव्यानां संस्कृतानुवादः तथा “श्रीमदग्रभागवतम्” ग्रन्थस्य पञ्जाबी-अनुवादश्च ।

Devendra Singh Dr. Devendra Singh

 Assistant Professor - Vedic Studies(School of Sanatan Dharma and Indic Studies)


Dr. Devendra Singh got his Ph.D from Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Earlier he completed his post graduation and graduation from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. His research interests include Vedic Studies, Ayurveda and Indian Philosophy. Dr. Singh worked for four years as a Project Fellow in UGC Major Research Project and more than two years as a Part time Research Assistant at SCSS, JNU. He has worked for more than two years as a Junior Research Fellow at Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi. He has taught for two years as a Guest faculty at JNU. He has authored six books and published seven research papers in various journals. He has attended and presented papers in various International and National conferences and seminars in India and abroad including 16th World Sanskrit Conference held at Bangkok, Thailand. In 2009 he was invited to give lectures to graduate students at Capital Norman University, Beijing, China.

susmita nandi Dr. Susmita Nandi

 Assistant Professor - Painting


Dr. Susmita Nandi is an alumni of Faculty of Visual Art, BHU, from where she done B.F.A, M.F.A. and her Doctoral Research on “Calcutta Group (1943-53): A Study”, which is the first research ever completed on the particular topic, under the supervision of eminent Art Historian and Aesthetician Prof. Anjan Chakraverty. In her first attempt she was awarded JRF by UGC - and got the opportunity to teach History of Art and Aesthetics, take practical classes in Mahila Mahavidyalaya, and FOVA, BHU for successively three academic sessions. Her works were selected a number of times by Lalit Kala Akademy. She has to her credit one Solo Exhibition and many group shows of national and international repute, in Calcutta, Varanasi, Lucknow, Delhi, Hyderabad, London. She has translated a book “Madanlal’s Sculptures in Japan” from English to Hindi, which was originally written by the internationally acclaimed critic Toshiaki Minemura, in Japanese language. She wrote more than a bunch of articles and her research papers were published in reputed journals and in catalogues of artists. She has presented papers and attended conferences, seminars, symposiums, art fairs. She has written and translated course material for IGNOU and invited for guest lectures in various other universities. She has been invited as a single editor of “KalaDarshan” which is an annual journal on art, soon to be published from Varanasi. She is actively engaged in teaching, guiding research scholars, literary activities and painting.